In all divisions, judging will follow USEF Guidelines, where applicable.
Open Hunter: Fences around 2’6”-2’9” or around 3’-3’3”. Open to all horses and ponies ridden by Junior or Adult.
Adult Amateur Hunter: Fences around 2’6”-2’9” or around 3’-3’3”. Open to all horses and ponies ridden by an Amateur 18 years and older.
Children’s Walk, Trot: Open to Children 12 years and Under. Rider may not cross enter other than Family, Pairs, or Costume Class.
Children’s Walk, Trot, Canter: Open to Children 17 years and Under. Rider may not cross enter other than Family, Pairs, or Costume Class.
Open Pleasure: Open to all horses and ponies, judged on suitability and way of going. Rider and Horse combination may not cross enter with any classes over fences higher than 2’.
Open Walk, Trot Pairs: Open to all horses and ponies.
Junior Future Hunter: Fences 2’. Open to all horses and ponies ridden by Juniors 17 years and under. Rider and Horse combination may not cross enter with any classes over fences higher than 2’.
Adult Future Hunter: Fences 2’. Open to novice horse/pony and/or rider. Adults 18 years and older. Rider and horse combination may not cross enter with any classes over fences higher than 2’.
Future Hunter Classic: Open to all Future Hunters. A Handy Style course. Scores will be added from Rider’s second over fence course to the Classic Course for a Classic Score.
Leadline Class: Open to children 7 years and under. Helmets required.
Family Class: Open to members of the same extended family, Walk, Trot. Helmets required.
Therapeutic Riding Class: Open to all riders participating in a therapeutic riding program. Walk, Trot. Leaders and Side Walkers are permitted.
Costume Class: Open to all. Helmets required.
Junior Horse/Pony Hunter: Fences around 2’6”-2’9” or around 3’-3’3”. Open to any horse or pony ridden by a Junior 17 years and under. Riders may not cross enter into Children’s or Pleasure classes.
Gentleman’s Hunter Under Saddle Challenge: Open to all Gentleman. Walk, Trot, Canter.
Ladies Hunter Under Saddle Challenge: Open to all Ladies. Walk, Trot, Canter.
Junior and Foxhunter Hilltopper: Open to all qualified (completed 3 hunts this season) Hilltoppers. Rider and Horse combination may not cross enter any classes over fences higher than 2’. May be asked to hold hard, dismount or back. (Junior Hilltopper is 17 and under).
Junior Foxhunter: Fences around 2’6”-2’9” and 3’-3’3”. Open to all qualified (completed 3 hunts this season in a jumping flight) junior foxhunters 17 years and under. To be judged on way of going, brilliance, and suitability for a junior rider. May be asked to gallop, hold hard, dismount and/or lead over a fence. May not cross enter into Hilltopper Division.
Foxhunter: Fences around 3’-3’3”. Open to all qualified (completed 3 hunts this season in a jumping flight) foxhunters 18 years and older. To be judged on way of going, brilliance, and suitability for rider. May be asked to gallop, hold hard, dismount and/or lead over a fence. Riders must jump the high side of fences.
Junior and Senior Foxhunter Pairs and Teams: Fences around 2’6”-2’9” and 3’-3’3. Open to all qualified Junior and Senior Foxhunters. Qualified horse and rider combination may participate in only one pair and/or team. Judged on performance, suitability, manners and uniformity.
Sidesaddle: Open to all horses and ponies ridden by ladies of any age. Walk, Trot, Canter and Over Fences. (no higher than 2’6”) To be judged on way of going and suitability, formal hunt appointments will be judged 25% in the Under Saddle. Performance under saddle and over fences will be judged 50/50 in Hunter hack.